Giancarlo Frisoni

Giancarlo Frisoni born in Montescudo (RN) in 1958. Self-taught, Since childhood he understands that art will be a key component of his life.
He smeared walls and sheets of drawings and portraits, then starts a continuous and constant research that leads him to face a material rich and unusual: the earth and dust of plaster, which shapes with colors and pigments equally natural. Her work well entered into solid structures, showed the ability to compose and distribute, the mastery of gesture and control to transform inert hue and scratching in paths that give soft and delicate emotions.
He has exhibited recently in Borgo Maggiore (RSM) with the exhibition "Emozioni oltre il muro" “Emotions over the wall”. In Rimini in the Image Gallery with the exhibition "Madre terra" “Mother Earth”, and in the Pinacoteca San Francesco (RSM) with the exhibition "Segni di memoria" “Signs of memory”. Next exhibition "Il poeta della terra" “The poet of the ground” in Palazzo Graziani (RSM) from June 27, inserted in the events Expo 2015.
The photographic activity makes him a witness and expert on the peasant culture from which he comes. His extensive documentation enriches many books, published about it and decorate with murals the Ethnographic Museum of Valliano (RN). "Volti di donna, tempo e spirito del mondo contadino" “Woman faces, time and spirit of the rural world” becomes a traveling exhibition in the surrounding museums. After he publishes the book "Solo chi è stato sa chi è" “Only who knows who has been knows who he's” and proposes the exhibition "Wonderful." Latest work "Il cibo nelle mani" “The food in the hands” at Palazzo Graziani, it supports to be inserted also in event Expo 2015.In literature from 1983 to 2009, in collaboration with his literature professor, publishes over twenty volumes that collect deeply and completely each caratteristc of the rural world. He distinguishes at premium “Narrativa Titano”, finishing in 2nd place. In 2010 he published the novel "La bambola dal tempo perduto" “The doll of lost time” winning the Excellence Award at the International Literary Contest "Città di Cattolica". In 2013 he published the novel "Storie di Avagliano" “Stories of Avagliano” published by Albatros Group.