Jens W. Beyrich

Jens W. Beyrich was born in Sorengo, Ticino, Switzerland in 1961. At the age of five, he executed his first artwork with recognisably advanced symmetrical features. Just after his Baccalaureate, he designed and manufactured a set of chess figures with unique symmetrical features. Jens W. Beyrich specialised in Numeric Engineering and graduated "with distinction" at the Universität Karlsruhe (Germany) in 1985, and two years later from INSEAD (Fontainebleau Campus) as one of the youngest students. In 2012, he executed for mere private use STAR FIELDS, his first artwork with "hypersymmetric" features - a graphic with complex interwoven symmetries. The first Solo Exhibition in London’s famous Cork Street was stated by the press "A Must See Exhibition". Stamps showing his artwork were issued in Singapore and the Principality of Liechtenstein. Solo exhibitions followed in the Kunstmuseum Liechtenstein (2016), the Chiostro del Bramante and the Circle of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Rome (2017). A selection of graphics were shown at the ZKM Zentrum für Kunst und Medien in Karlsruhe (2018).

Star Sphere
Exagonal Puzzle
Kreismuster Flat